Stereo Times review on Audio Note UK DAC 3.1/II just went live

My review for the Stereo Times website just was posted tonight. As I explain I have had in the last three years over 12 DACs in for review, ranging in price from $1,000 to $45,000. Well, the Audio Note UK DAC3.1/II was so much more musical and analog in nature that I was somewhat taken aback by its performance in my system.

For all the details regarding this DACs performance and why I purchased it after the review take a look at the review piece. If you are looking for DAC at the present time, I highly recommend you consider auditioning one of the Audio Note DACs before you purchase your next digital front end.

Teajay (Terry London)
Post removed 
Thanks @tvad you are correct.

@cleeds I was referring to Mike Kay, proprietor of Audio Archon in the Chicago area. The person to whom you refer and the business to which you refer are indeed long gone and although I was aware, I never had occasion to do business with Lyric.
@cleeds I was referring to Mike Kay, proprietor of Audio Archon in the Chicago area.
Thanks for clarifying - I'm sorry to have contributed any confusion.
@cleeds No worries, I'm glad you did. That's what a community like Audiogon is supposed to be about, friendly dialogue, so I appreciate that you took the time to post. Have a great day and if you haven't met "this" particular Mike Kay, pick up the phone. He is one of the good guys and he is old school enough that he will appreciate the call without the slightest concern that you didn't call to purchase something.
I was witness to some interesting horse trading of Audio Note DACs at Deja Vu about six or seven years ago. A customer came in looking to audition a DAC 5 which he hoped to partially finance by trading in his DAC 4.  The owner of the shop, Vu Hoang, recalled that another customer with a DAC 3 was interested in trading up to the DAC 4.  He called the customer with the DAC 3 and had him come into the shop with the DAC 3.  I got to listen to the three DACs played in a blind comparison.  At the end of the audition, the DAC 3 owner traded it in and took the DAC 4 of the other customer who decided to trade up to the DAC 5.  I personally thought that the DAC 4 was the sweet spot.  The DAC 5 was better by a slight margin, but, it was WAY more expensive.