I know what I like to hear and given a microphone and digital EQ I can get any system to have the tone I like and maximize its image projection. I can not change the image size which is a matter of the way the speakers radiate.I dont know at all what i like to hear....It is not a "taste"....
I want to listen piano or voices the more natural possible.... I dont have sound "taste"...Save i never choose "details" over more natural timbre.....
By the way the image size is not only a function of the way the speakers radiate but ALSO of the way the room controls help it or impede it to do so....I can modify the image size of my speakers at will.... Before my acoustic control implementation the image size of my speakers was small and now fill the room.... Why? Because of the way my 2-way box speakers radiate? it is a part of the answer but sorry not the complete answer....
Study acoustic and quit selling electronical equalization....