Dysphoric audiophile agoraphobia

Have struck on a new syndrome while over-examining life’s minutia. Greek  dýsphoros "hard to bear, grievous"   I’m sure to garner a new DSM-5 code.

This syndrome is suffered when the system creation we’ve carefully crafted has reached that pinnacle of reproduction which renders us incapacitated, unable to bear leaving our safe confines only to be subjected randomly to the perils awaiting from overhead licentious public sound systems.  Percy Faith does Hendrix.

These include unforeseeable random aural attacks perpetrated by grocery stores, Walgreen’s, dentist offices....even gas pumps.  Never leaving one’s abode does not assure complete insulation and safe conduct as there awaits the miserable hold menu dreck as you try to make a wheel alignment appointment.
@ebm +1

Powder should be used under armpits .
Not under the nose.

I have not laughed like that for quite a while

@OP No offense intended
Looks like someone’s just received his first "So You Want To Be A Writer" mail order lesson. Apparently it comes with a free thesaurus.
Must have tried a new strain from the "dispensary"

You don't know what's in those fertilizers/chemicals used to produce that stuff.