Drivers and how to clean them: Notes from ScanSpeak

Please use good judgement but if you ever wondered what the actual manufacturers recommend for cleaning your speaker drivers here's one maker's view:
I have never rotated drivers, but, it is probably a good idea to do it.  I know that Lowther driver owners do this regularly because the gap for the voice coil on Lowther drivers is extremely narrow and the slightest sag will result in scraping.
Thanks Eric,

 I’ve been having work done on the house and I’m sure one of my speakers got attacked by drywall dust. I was waiting for the construction to be finished before I went in to see the damage .

I've no need to dust speakers, since I don't give them a chance to collect such. :)
As for any other surface other than horizontal....

We live near a rail yard that services a concrete plant.  They regularly 'dust' the interior of hopper cars that deliver powder cement to said plant.

Previously, they applied buzzy 'vibrators' to the cars' sides to knock off what would 'stick' to the interiors of the hoppers.  Ran around 300hz, and somewhat annoying.  But only during the day...

Made sense....if left on and in the hoppers, and what with day/night temp and humidity changes concrete dust would 'glaze' the stainless interiors.

Not good product for commercial projects or your driveway, noooo...

A month ago or so, they switched to a 'shaker' that creates a 'bass vibe' (15hz?) that rattles windows an 1/8 mi. away.  All the local 'car bassers' have got to be jealous....but rail car hoppers are welded vs. car parts are bolted for the most part....

Nothing like having your ride have a Rapid Unplanned Disassembly on the interstate... ;)