I failed to realize the erroneous article from 2016 caused this thread. As you can see from the video that we made just this last March...literally weeks ago..Tannoy is producing. Though as usual it's not mass-produced. I took some videos of how it's done and I should use the footage. I've been to speaker factories and oftentimes the speakers being built are on a conveyor belt, and things move quickly.
A pair of Stirlings or Cheviots are built in pairs by one man, and it's a slow process of building one, then the other from matched cabinets and drivers. Then they are taken to the test room where they keep the "Gold Sample" which is a PERFECT example of the speaker being built. The Gold Sample is measured, then compared to the speakers just assembled.
It made no sense to me why the Gold Sample would be re-measured every time. Why not just store the data once and re-use it for every pair built? The answer is atmospheric changes. Air pressure can change the measurements.
That's what I mean.
I'll crawl back into my hole now. I leave forums to be forums and it's not a place for industry folk. Thank you and I'm so glad the people that own Tannoy are so happy.
A pair of Stirlings or Cheviots are built in pairs by one man, and it's a slow process of building one, then the other from matched cabinets and drivers. Then they are taken to the test room where they keep the "Gold Sample" which is a PERFECT example of the speaker being built. The Gold Sample is measured, then compared to the speakers just assembled.
It made no sense to me why the Gold Sample would be re-measured every time. Why not just store the data once and re-use it for every pair built? The answer is atmospheric changes. Air pressure can change the measurements.
That's what I mean.
I'll crawl back into my hole now. I leave forums to be forums and it's not a place for industry folk. Thank you and I'm so glad the people that own Tannoy are so happy.