Clear Day silver jumpers or equivalent

Greetings. I'm currently running Clear Day double shotgun silver speaker cables and very happy with them. I would like to find the same silver jumpers. With Clear Day no longer in business after the passing of the owner Paul Laudati (a truly exceptional man by the way) buying a new set is not an option. Would like to find a pre-owned set but if I can't can anyone recommend something compatible in solid silver that won't break the bank? Thanks 
I'm certain Paul would very much approve of those very kind words. Although being such a humble guy he might respond with an "Aw shucks, I'm just a regular guy like everyone else doing the best I can."  With all of the information you were able to give me on Clear Day speaker cables and jumpers, I thought perhaps you could enlighten me in a similar way on Paul's interconnects. I have several pair of his single ended I love them. I have recently bought into some balanced equipment so I could use some balanced XLR interconnects. Finding pre-owned I do believe would be near impossible. I would be willing to try and make a set of my own if you happen to know the parts I would need. For that matter even the formula for RCA interconnects would be welcome if I should ever require more sets of them. Again for your help
Should have read, Thanks again for your help. Guess that's what the preview button is for 🙄
I’m pretty sure Paul’s IC’s both single and balanced were unshielded; single ended likely only two conductors, and the balanced the three… again doubtful a shield tied to the one end. I don’t have a balance set anymore but I do have a single end pair I could open the plug up to inspect. 
As mentioned I’m pretty sure Paul used 18 gauge throughout as it’s small enough to reduce or have little skin effect but not too small to be brittle. My guess is he used only the three conductors on the balance cable and on the positive and negative conductor used either a 1/8” or smaller techflex or a cotton sleeve as a isolator and the third ground conductor floats inside the outer techflex jacket. I’m pretty sure he did not do a braid like Kimber Kable but a simple twist not being too tight. With a solid conductor the cable gets stiff if you do a braid, at least from my experience.
I recall talking to Paul about building a phono cable for my turntable and he mentioned he did not like using a shield or a ground on a single ended cable so pretty sure he liked his cables to be wide open.

Just dug out my Clear Days and Paul put heat shrink around the bottom of the plug barrel so I’d have to cut that off which I’d prefer not to. Very hard to see inside the outer Techflex jacket but it looks like another smaller jacket of Techflex. Does feel like a twisted pair.

Paul used Puresonic plugs if that helps.
Thanks again for the help. By all means don't do anything that would damage your interconnects just for reverse engineering purposes. Like I said I have some of his RCA interconnects and if someone were going to cut anything open it should be me. I am interested in trying to make some balanced interconnects and you've given me the information I need to give it a shot. I just purchased a pre-owned Topping D90 DAC on audiogon which has XLR outputs. When I upgrade my preamp to a balanced one I will need the new interconnects. When that time comes I'll let you know how my project goes. Thanks and take care
I designed Paul's www and suggested the name Clear Day Cables

He was as fine person as I ever had a relationship with, although I never met him

He made me a set of jumpers when I had Magnepan 3.5Rs, but I sold them long ago

You might try Wire World. I use their OCC cable as jumpers between my Emerald Physics 3.4s and their outboard power supplies. If you don't need them terminated that would save $$$
