Upscale Audio and Primaluna

spoke to aggresive salesperson who pushed prima luna integrated amps and other primaluna gear.

this was after i called to buy another component.  Anyone know about primaluna stuff.

all this guy did was tear into my system saying how deficient it is and that i should buy primaluna.

What is the number one skill for a great salesman and negotiator?

The art of listening.

The 2 percenter’s have this skill.
"...What is the number one skill for a great salesman and negotiator? The art of listening..."

To solve your hesitations about buying. 
Kevin is a hot sh#t and a very nice guy. I find him entertaining and enthusiastic. I bought many a tube from him and always received a quality product. The fact he likes Tannoy makes him even better in my book, 😁.
So how can anyone be comfortable with a primaluna recommendation from uptone?  For the price its probably pretty good but other things he sells that cost a hell of alot more may be alot better.  Who else sells prima?  
I might have considered a prima luna preamp with tubes, but i think its ugly.  
Dealt with Kevin a few times. He's ok. Yes he pushes Prima Luna hard, but it is good stuff. He gave me a deal on a set of speakers that was at least 30% off retail. I guess I caught him in a good mood. Most stereo shops won't deal. He  will. And he carries top brands.