Favorite Guitar Solo

What is your favorite guitar solo? The one that bypasses your cerebral cortex? The one that best hits your emotional center? Any genre. Any period. Any length. A million notes. Or just one note. Obscure or famous. You can make any excuse as to why you choose it, but explanations are optional. But you gotta choose just one.

My choice? Eric Clapton’s solo in "Sleepy Time Time" from the Fresh Cream album. Simplicity. Emotional ecstasy. Tone.
Lou Reed’s live Sweet Jane opening interlude with Dick Hunter and Steve Wagner. Some of the most epic, melodic, tasteful solos ever recorded.

I think Jeff Beck has the best chops of any living guitarist.  However it's the way he treats melodic songs such 'A Day in the Life' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHHY3eRUMsM) or 'Nessun Dorma' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdUdtpjv0ZI) that set him apart from other guitarists.
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