What do $2500 speaker cables sound like?

Sooo curious about this.  I now use cables costing about $200 and 20 yrs old.

dont want to throw out brands, but its well known.

what can someone expect?

$2,500 cables are a scam. Period.
Such silly nonsense. Were your claim true, you’d beat a path to a lawyer and a class action lawsuit and get rich beyond your wildest dreams. But, oddly, those who claim fraud, scam, and snakeoil here never pursue their claims, except here. Which prompts the question: Who’s promoting a scam?
Hello, I have quite a bit of hifi components, amps, preamps, turntables, and many hi-end cables.  I usually keep the cables I’ve purchased throughout the years in the event I need them in the future.  Usually, the difference between a $200 cable and a $2,500 cable from the same manufacturer is that more attention is given to making the more expensive cable sounding better. Better usually means, more open, transparent but yet smooth, better bass and smoother highs, and usually more refined.  But with some products, this is not always the case. I’ve found that my more expensive cables do sound better than my lower end cables.  But the most important point, is not $$$ spent on a cable, its synergy regardless of price. 
Of course cables make a difference the signal or power passes through them. Whether your system can reveal the difference and you can hear it is what matters. The best ones, like the best components should be neutral and let the music come through, not emphasizing certain frequencies.

One caution - they are the biggest markup of any product (not including hocus focus tweaks) possible as the cost to manufacture is much lower than any other product. The law of diminishing returns is quicker IMHO with cables than anything else.
As one who can hear differences in interconnects, speaker cables and digital connections, let alone tube rolling......  OK, power cords not so much anymore after the Niagara install, .....   I probably don't have any links other than power cords that have not been shot out 8 to 10 times...  tubes more than that.
It is what it is..............  I hear differences in everything including taking a picture on or off the wall.
In some instances interconnects can achieve “component level” increases in sound quality. Well chosen interconnects and cables make the difference between a good sounding system and a great sounding system. If don’t hear the difference then you shouldn’t buy them.