SOTA NOVA, HR-X VPI, Technics 1200G recommendations?

I am considering SOTA NOVA, used HR-X VPI and Technics 1200G TTs. I have an old SOTA STAR with vacuum, (and essentially a Jelco 750 arm-retipped Denon 103R) so I know its high quality and durability. Technics apparently has performance that far exceeds its $4000 price tag. For tonearms, I am down to Jelco 850M and old FR-64S. I am considering low compliance cartridges. For VPI, it would be JMW 12 or 3D. Changing the tonearms seems to be more of a hassle on VPI. What are your thoughts and recommendations?
Chung, once you are use to a Sota the other tables will drive you nuts.
Just get a Noba Vacuum. Jelco is out of business and I think you are headed in the wrong direction with a low compliance cartridge. You just increase record wear. There are many medium to high compliance cartridges of the highest caliber. Just put the most expensive Origin Live arm you can afford on it. Stay away from unipivot arms!!
The FR64S won’t work on a SOTA - it’s too heavy and the B-60 (or Ikeda base - I have both and I like the newer Ikeda better) might not even fit in there anyways. The FR64S is over 3 lbs. A tonearm can be up to 2.5 lbs max on a SOTA Nova suspension, as I recall. The lighter FR64fx (2.2 lbs) on the other hand, works GREAT on a Star / Nova and is an ideal combination with a lower-compliance cartridge (Koetsus, Ortofon Cadenzas other than the higher compliance Black).

I had a Star III updated to Nova V specs. It’s lovely. But the new Nova VI series introduces a lot of serious technological & material advancements over the V. They could have just gone to labeling it "Series X". It's quite likely these tables are now highly underrated. It’s worth a long look, at least.

I too realized the value of SOTA’s suspension when I got a high-end Clearaudio Innovation table and observed just how UNHAPPY that new table was on a crappy rack that the SOTA had handled extremely gracefully. And I need either a vacuum hold down or a ring clamp to bust edge warps. I don’t get high end tables that don’t supply or facilitate this; that would drive me absolutely NUTS.

The HR-X and Technics are classics too, you really can’t go wrong any way here. Just continue to carefully consider all the considerations you’ve been considering :) I wouldn’t use any VPI tonearm with a lower compliance cartridge (maybe with the "dual pivot"...maybe). And in my experience there’s not much practical benefit to 12" arms other than it looks cool.
Yes, if you insist upon using a "crappy" rack, the SOTA suspension will help. And if you have a lot of warped LPs, vacuum clamp or peripheral ring will help. Also, if you are testing nuclear warheads in your listening room.
I have a good rack and I am the only one in the listening room. I have been reading about the Micro Seiki RX5000/FR64S combination. Some people love them, others not so much. What do you think? Are they worth the price? 
You will have to decide for yourself however:
FR64S while not perfect is a GREAT arm for the $ and also seems to bring out good in almost all carts which is unusual. I use one everyday...

RX5000...well have you found a good one, in great condition, that is affordable in context of your other choices?
I have not had an RX5000. I did used to own RX1500 but it was easily eclipsed by the STST direct drive tables ( which I now sell - caveat )
Sounds like you are on an analog adventure :)