So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...

Here is a very relevant discussion among physicists about the directionality...the way signal and electrons should flow... based on conductor orientation. Some esoteric, high-end manufacturers say they listen to each conductor to see which way the signal should flow for the best audio quality.

Read this discussion. Will it make you rethink what you’re being told and sold?
Speakermaster, you actually have it right.  Engineers are almost always blinded by equations.  Engineers always hide behind equations when they don't understand the "unknown".

It comes down to how the molecules pack when extruded.  I had a discussion with a cable manufacturer on how his cables sounded so much better than the much more expensive ones they were replacing.  We had a great discussion.  He said he had trouble believing it because he was a physicist and the equations did not explain this, but the directionality of the wire was an observed, repeatable characteristic.

He hired a material scientist.   The material scientist found out  the packing of copper molecules when it was extruded created a definite difference in inductance.  There were a couple other things like copper purity and b-field affect based on the casing.

I was trained as a physical chemist myself, and used material scientists to help me design polymer networks for coatings and other esoteric stuff like that.

Here, take a look at this:

this is a simple example on how molecular packing works.  The effect of packing will have a very significant impact on final properties.

Engineers work with the known.  Scientists work with the unknown.  I have worked in both fields.  The physics equations that describe sound are not be all, end all.  And frankly, they do not describe the fine details of music well.  The equations are not necessarily correct.

Now if you have total faith in your equations (and won't trust your ears), think of this.  Newton was the most brilliant scientist of the last 500 years.  His three laws of physics were probably the greatest scientific breakthrough ever.  Kepler built on Newton's work and created equations to predict the motion of the planets.  They worked on all the planets--except Mercury.  Why?  Well, the equations did not take into account of the spacetime warpage between the sun and Mercury.  You need to use Einstein's relativistic equations since the mass differences between the sun and Mercury create spacetime warpage significant enough that Newton's equations (thereby Kepler's) do not account for, therefore will not describe the observations.

This is a great example where the accepted equations worked in many situations--but not all.  Do not be blinded by science.  It is not perfect!

It is a common fallacy that engineers fall into.  They think if the observations conflict with the equations, the observations must be wrong.  I suppose it is because the equations can work so well for so many things, and engineers spend so much time doing the known, that they can have trouble with the unknown.

Minorl934's list (among others, I am singling this post out because it was the last post to give a definitive list from physics) does not talk about molecular packing variants in his equation list.  This is what happens when your are "blinded by science" and assume that what you know is all there is.

There are many other aspects of materials science that can affect sound quality of wires that are not handled by the classic physics equations.
Now if you have total faith in your equations (and won't trust your ears)
As a scientist can you tell us how science would go about creating test where we can " trust our ears"?
Speakermaster, you actually have it right.  Engineers are almost always blinded by equations.  Engineers always hide behind equations when they don't understand the "unknown".
Very good post and informed one....


As a scientist can you tell us how science would go about creating test where we can " trust our ears"?
How do you do to be always beside the point of any post speaking about sound human experience even coming from a scientist?

Trusting our own ears to reach music sound experience is the crux of the matter.... Trusting his own ears dont means negation of science facts, it means only that technological measures SERVE the ears consciious experience...

Anyway science is NOT technology..... Engineering is NOT psychoacoustic science....They are correlated without being reducible to one another...

Technology goal is always related to the way we isolate a PART of the WHOLE to control it in an EXTERNAL way.... it is about efficient power....A piece of technology, a tool, must be isolated to be constructed and used properly....Even a hammer...

Science goal is always related to the way the isolated part is connected and inserted in this WHOLE, or how the part reflect internally or participate to this whole in itself.... It is about knowledge and consciousness not power....

Sometimes along the way men must choose between power and knowledge.... Sometimes we cannot keep the cake and eat it....Technology much be controlled by 

We are at this moment in history....

Technology without science is death.....But much money is going to be made in the long agony for some....

 Newton was the most brilliant scientist of the last 500 years.

Yeah...ok...let's go with that. Newtonian Physics has been updated since then...just a little.