What is your favorite album cover?

I extremely love Rhythm Nation 1814 by Janet Jackson. Eschewing a friendly, fun image more conducive to '80s pop chart success, Janet Jackson adopted a militaristic tone for her instantly iconic black-and-white Rhythm Nation 1814 cover art.....That's why I like not only her song but also her soul in music. What about you? What is your favorite album cover?
AMON DUUL II- HighjackCapton Beyond- 3rd 
Ginger Baker's Air Force- liveS.O.D- Speak English or DieWAR- The World is a Ghetto
Alice Cooper- Mussel of Love                      - School's Out                     -Billion Dollar BabiesFrank Zappa- Weasel Ripped my Flesh                      -'Apostrophe                     -Thing FishUriah Heap- Magician's Birthday
                  - Demons and Wizards                - Look at Yourself
I second the original Stones Sticky Fingers, but would add the cover issued in Spain under the Franco regime just for the humor of it.

Painted it (including heartbeat) running around my dorm room as a college freshman. It remained for several years.