Also great to hear, Mikirob. For everyone's benefit, how about we share the following distances, measured from the center of the driver:
Distance out from front wall, width between drivers, driver to sidewall, and driver to your ear. Then comment on toe-in.
Right now my drivers of my Omens are 45" out from the front wall, 96" apart, 29" from sidewalls, and 102" from my ears, toed in so that the drivers would intersect just behind my head. The center fills in pretty well, but images that should exist outside the speaker pretty much reside at the driver. Moving the speakers inward from the sidewalls still doesn't get them to project the images outside the speakers when called for.
Distance out from front wall, width between drivers, driver to sidewall, and driver to your ear. Then comment on toe-in.
Right now my drivers of my Omens are 45" out from the front wall, 96" apart, 29" from sidewalls, and 102" from my ears, toed in so that the drivers would intersect just behind my head. The center fills in pretty well, but images that should exist outside the speaker pretty much reside at the driver. Moving the speakers inward from the sidewalls still doesn't get them to project the images outside the speakers when called for.