Is D for Dry? Class D...

Class D sounds dry and lifeless... thats all, carry on
I just wish you guys (doubters) could stop in Ohio and hear my completed Legacy system, complete with their new V-series amps. And yes, their class D’s. I replaced a ATI Signature Series , which was a bad’est boy ATI made, with these new V-2 and V-5 Amps. Stunning, especially at over a 100 db with music. (Video Concerts) . I have invited about 8 couples, and a few friends over for evenings... and every single one has left with their jaw on the ground. Its amazing how people that feel quite confident they know a good sounding system. .... walk away dazed with " I’ve never in my life heard anything like THAT " . Couple of them say they hate me as one told his wife, "Get the hammers out, because when I get home, we might as well beat ours’s with hammers and junk them". Don’t get my statement wrong, My system is a peck of sand in the desert compared to others. But I came from a non class D , and love my new Class D’s. They run really cool, even at sustained volumes. Dead Quiet, something my ATI was not. And dynamically are superior to that monstrous beast that took 2 people to move around ...
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*L*  I can't help to view the whole squabble over D amps as akin to the era when SS challenged tubes....(Yeah, I'm old enough for that..).

"It sounds like..." and the whole spectrum of commentary parrots what occurs now. abortion of tech....bound to fail, flaying about in the process....

Fine.  Turn off your cell phones, and go back to land lines.  Oh, and shut off that flat screen while you're at it.

There's already those amongst this rabble that are hybriding tubes and SS in various configs.

When someone posts that their ears are leaking due to the lack of 'moisture' in the repro of their personal taste of racket from the speakers, Then I'll have a more serious consideration of the 'obvious negative aspects' of (lack of) class D.

I've a couple of the 'low rent' D amps for 'play purposes', and have yet to vomit, break out in hives, have my ears seal shut, or my mind glaze.
No, I didn't expect either to cause an orgasm, either.

On the other hand, it's apparent that the development of D amps is moving along rather nicely, enough to make the naysayers bitch more.

'Twas always, and ever will be, such.
It's called progress.  How one views the direction has always been an issue.

Enjoy yourself, mapman....there be critics always, everywhere. ;)
This is 2021...I suggest you open your ears. AGD Audion monoblocks may help you update your calendar.