Vincent Audio tube preamp SA-T7 & SP-332 power amp

I was just curious if anyone can comment on this combination.  not a ton of info out there about these (the SP-332 is new) but i was hoping someone might be able to describe the build quality, sonics, etc.   thanks 
Hi guys and gals! So I have this preamp for about a month, got an open box from audio advisor at a discounted rate. At first I didn’t care much for the sound. For a unit costing in the $2500 range, it just didn’t have the “magic”. I was going to send her back but what the hell I thought I would try some tube rolling. Since these are odd ball tubes they were reasonable. I got some nos amperex bugle boy 6cM4/ec86’s (5 for $50) and some some Mullard 6688a’s (4 for $60). Yanked the Russians out and fired her up for a listening session. Holy cow man the difference was not subtle. It kills my aikido modified pas-2 hands down! Just incredible. Well I’ll be keeping her after all. 

hey there, I got one exactly one month ago ;), so you replaced the Mullard CV6189 tubes with Mullard 6688a’s and 6S3P-EV’s with BB 6cM4’s? I’m looking for a set of spare tubes, don’t know what the exact substitution tubes are.
@hasmarto ,  Which tube compliment do you have?  Vincent made these with different tube compliments. Here's what I have and the subs: 

(2) 6*51P or 6J51P:  EF184, 6EJ7

(2) 6*9P or 6J9P:  E180F, 6688A, CV6189

(4) 6S3P-EV:  EC86

(1) 85A2:  No subs known.

Warning:  Some of these preamps may have incorrect tube values printed on the circuit boards!  If you decide to roll, make note of the actual tube value from the tube valve body itself before you swap. 
I'm trying to figure out which of the WIMA 4.7uF caps are connected to the output side of things and if any are on the inputs.  Hard to read the PCB with all that's going on in the circuit.  VCap ODAMs would be so good here.