Integrated Amp Choices

From numerous visits to audio stores in the BIG city 2 hours south of my place, and after listening to a couple of dozen speakers (up to $18,000) both passive and active. Our simple ears have narrowed it down to these 2 speakers (so far):
KEF R11s - and Triangle AustraleEZs - These 2 sound the best to both my wife, offer good value and both very close to each other in price.

Here are a few integrated amps (in around the $5K range) that I am considering and I was hoping the community can give their votes to which would compliment the speakers of choice (so far) the best?

On Sale Occasionally:

Onboard DAC is a big consideration too, so hoping for your further comments on DAC sections as well.

Prefer new or demo over used.


"...Ok, let’s add this russ99"

Great choice, and something that will last a lifetime. Great sound with any loudspeaker. 
The triangles are very clean and need a warmer amp
No Sim or anthem or musical fidelity
Aesthithiix is a hybrid so that is

We sell alot of top of the line integrated amplifiers we have a unison research   unico 150  amazing hybrid  new 7150drmo 4500
Also the coda csib is one of the Best integrated amps under 10k

Dave and troy Audio intellect  nj
Coda and unison  Dealers

The Anthem has DSP room correction which would be handy. The Kef R11 would probably be the easier speaker to drive but that's comparing it to the Triangle Esprit Antal which is the one below the Australe. 
@audiotroy if you're going to recommend a hybrid then you have to include MA252, Pathos Classic One, Classic Remix and Inpol (have one and it is awesome).
Enjoyed your shameless plug.