Outlaw Audio repair

I have a mono M-200 that is in need of repair. Outlaw will not do the repair nor will UnitedRadio East Syracuse.

it sounds fine then clicks off...... Thanx
@kgveteran,  PLEASE see the response below the === from Outlaw Audio.   As was suggested, please fill out the support form and they should be able to service your M-200.  Thanks.  

Please keep us posted.  

"We appreciate you reaching out to us. I wish I could speak more to this but unfortunately, I do not know who this customer is and they provided very little information. I cannot think of a reason we couldn't service the Model 200 at this time. The customer simply needs to open a support ticket at support.outlawaudio.com with his serial number and a description of his issue so that we may be of further assistance.

Best Regards,
BenOutlaw Audio"
 There you go. Open a ticket.
call the company, talk to someone, explain and tell them your story. 
   Even if not registered, they will fix.
get in touch with them.

 Always heard good things about Outlaw. 
Good luck.   
BTW, Outlaw Customer support is outstanding.  I sent them my email and they responded within 2 hours.  Truly excellent.  
As they suggested, please open a support ticket ASAP. 
Yeah, that doesn't sound right.  Outlaw should work on their equipment.  However, if it is grey market, most manufacturers won't.  I don't really understand this because grey market or not, they did make the equipment.  But, I guess their logic is that it wasn't purchased via an authorized rep. or via authorized sales path.   

So it is penalizing the buyer that bought it through the grey market.

So, contact Outlaw, open a ticket and send it in.  
