No, You Cannot Bi-Amp

The new Magnepan 20.7 is not bi-ampable. The prior model 20.1 allowed bi-amping.

What sonic benefit if any, would any would a speaker gain by removing the capability to bi-amp?

I understand the big Wilsons are no longer bi-ampable either.

I have always been a huge fan of bi-amping.
Bi-amping (sic) provides more flexibility in circumstances where more flexibility is warranted. While that flexibility MIGHT provide improvements, it can provide problems. The Nigels of the world read this forum and will take advantage of the fact that the electronic crossover goes to eleven--or twelve.


I have owned and used actively bi-amped (sic) systems at least 3 times over the years. To me, they have held great potential that I never felt I fully realized. I even went so far this last time around to hire a professional sound man to come in and set it up for me. The results were very good--far better than what I was able to accomplish on my own, but in the end, I commissioned Bill Woods to design passive crossovers for my system. ...

My experience supports the KISS principle. There is way too much fantasy out there about DIY and mods. Some of us have the skills to know what's an improvement and what's just a way to spend money kidding ourselves. Most don't."

VERY well said, jack. Designing passive crossovers or even configuring active crossovers is NOT easy, at least not if you want to get it corrrect. The best passive crossovers include impedance- and phase-correction networks that are required for the system to sound correct, and when some amateur eliminates them to use an active crossover, the relationships between/among drivers is left uncorrected.

I built an open-baffle line-array system that used active filtering and biamping; the whole project turned out to be too complicated for this amateur to get right, and I simply gave up.

What's a 'Nigel'?
Elizabeth, you crack me up! Though I got to be honest, your comment about your "top burners being good for popcorn" got me thinking some unpure thoughts. James Brown needs to take it the bridge before I get myself in trouble.
Jeffreybehr - Nigel Tufnel is (was?) the immortal lead guitarist from the mythical British rock group, Spinal Tap. He reached an amazing level of fame for being the owner of a guitar amp that went to ELEVEN. As he pointed out repeatedly, other guitar amplifiers only went to ten and were therefore inferior to his.
Last November we celebrated Tufnel Day on 11/11/11.
I don't see why people object to people who know nothing about bi-amping asking questions about it.
I know nothing about bi-amping.

I think I have a pretty good ear for music and have played instruments for a long time.

I recently replaced (for my Maggie 3.5's) my old Levinson 332 with two Magtech amps and I bi-amped those.
The improvement was spectacular.
I attribute that improvement to the fact that I am bi-amping.
This could wrong.
I was so looking forward to getting the new 20.7's and being able to use that bi-amping ability.

Now I learn that you cannot bi-amp these new speakers.

So why isn't it Ok to ask about bi-amping and what differences it makes and if it is that important maybe I should look for a good used pair of the 20.1's instead?