An Objective Review of the Tekton Double Impact Speakers

First, for a few of you, "when you point a finger, three point back at you". A) Yes, I wanted to sell them and did what anyone else would have done knowing that one of the resident "experts" would like them.  Would you say they suck if you wanted to sell them? 

B) Am reaching an agreement with Tekton now to take them back and would like to take the ad down but don't know how.  
Post removed 
BTW, to the guy whoever said that my post was just about hyping my mouthpieces, I don't make them anymore, I'm semi-retired and only have my own line saxophones now and am available to offer free advice on gear which I usually discourage people from buying because there's too much emphasis on it, like on here!  You might also consider that it's safe to say that there's few if any sax players on here so there's that. Add that to the fact that I never gave a crap about money and what have you got.  

Also, to the guy who feels that musicians don't have better ears than other folks, when you can play something back or write it down after you hear it, that's better ears and it doesn't matter if it a million dollar rig or airpods.  
Most of these hyped HiFi speakers, IEM’s, Headphones have very little to do with how instruments sound in real life. Most have Bass that is too elevated & slow, timbre that has nothing to do with reality.
I had to discover this on my own as well, and personally I felt like I was living in bizzaro land when I auditioned some the most highly regarded equipment out there for myself.
Most musicians have different ears than people who just listen to music for a hobby.... In my estimation this kind of HiFi sound is an acquired taste, and has very little to do with accurate playback.
If most of the "reviewers" like a product, that product is something I now actively avoid.
First hand demoing is the only thing I now trust :)
I sympathize with Phil, It’s no fun falling for the never ending hype of the reviewer circuit.
If big is better and more is better then ...

I'm sorry, but I just couldn't get past the first few seconds of the self indulgent bragging.

In any case, is there anything wrong with landscape? Surely he knows about televisions. 

From what others have said, it seems to be a completely subjective review and not at all objective.