An untamed room and a vivid speaker...

I ordered the Zu Omen DW Mk II in February and I've been working with it for about two months after the sets arrive in March. I've run it with two solid-state and one tube amp.

The room is difficult: 

A 46" high, by 71" wide window on the NORTH side

A 7'10" wide triple glass set of closet doors on the WEST side, reaching almost halfway along the wall. 

A fireplace on the EAST wall. 

I have one speaker on each side of the fireplace. 

The ceiling slopes up from the fireplace wall, from 8' to 10.5' on the WEST wall. Gerrit at Zu explained that the ceiling is probably adding a bit of a horn effect to the setup. 

The experience is that piano notes and vocals have much too much edge/glare, making the speaker impossible to comfortably listen to for more than a short time. Actually, I can hear the notes sparking my nerves fairly quickly.

My old Klipsch bookshelf speakers, placed carefully on top of the Zu's have some of this glare, but not nearly as much.

My experiments:

I have covered the opening of the fireplace with a thick blanket. I've placed inexpensive sound insulation panels (these are insulfoam type pieces I bought at the home depot)) behind the speakers. I've played with toe-in, moving them from directly facing the listening to position to straightforward. 

Right now, I've got an old twin mattress up against the middle door of the closet. I've got the left side of the closet exposed so the sound is directed into the clothing. So, there is maybe a two-foot section of the exposed glass door leading into the northwest corner.

I'm just trying to see if I can do anything to cut the glare. I have had very little success. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!
Return the speakers and get something more suitable for a lively room with narrow directivity. Muddy sound is to many room reflections.
@djones51 I appreciate the push. I'm there. I've done everything I can with what I have. Not interested in spending hundreds on professional treatments and the like. The Klipsch bookshelf speakers have never sounded so good in comparison to the head shearing and muddiness I'm experiencing from the Zu's. It's a disappointment because the DW's do so many things right. Amazing soundstage and some of the songs come through so vividly and beautifully, but I (obviously) can't depend on a few standout pieces to carry me. 

I just made yet another adjustment with the same mixed results as before... Wish I had another room where these could work, but I do not...

Thanks, everyone.

You”ll get a huge improvement by treating the first reflection points with diffusers. You’ll need to get good diffusers like GIK or similar, but the difference they make when properly placed is remarkable. 

And then you should hang curtains in front of the glass surfaces. Your fireplace isn’t the problem, the glass surfaces are.

A friend had an awful problem with reflected sound in his concrete apartment.

The only treatment that worked well was to hand a piece of vinyl across the wall opposite the speakers...
  • the width of the wall
  • within two inches of the ceiling
  • hanging down about 20 inches
   In my previous house I had a bow window opposite my speakers and I used an 8ft wide vinyl blind fastened at the ceiling
  • I tried many different lengths of blind
  • 18" was optimal
  • this did not even partially cover the window
  • so in my case - the window was not impacting sound
Turns out, vinyl lined drapes are used at the big convention centers when that split a room - even with acoustic dividers

The other thing that helped - putting a 1" think piece of foam on top of a bookshelf - seems the reflections between the top of the bookshelf and the ceiling were creating an issue.

I found that a heavier PVC curtain worked better - So I went to a place that sells PVC advertising signs - the stuff they used for signs is very good and it is plain white

The only other approach I know of are the acoustic dampers and reflectors that are now used in restaurants to make them less noisy

Regards - Steve