Thinking of a Schiit Freya + and Vidars, to Power Martin Logan ESLs

I am trying to get closer to a rig I heard in 1987 at the Groove Audio Video in Houston. Carver Amazing Loudspeakers, Silver 7s, Digital Time Lens, Yamaha Natural sound Preamp, and Sony's top of the line CD player (777 maybe?)
It was truly a magical experience I knew instantly why people would spent big cash on audio. at the time I was a broke dick looking for a car head unit that had grown so disgusted at a salesman I was leaving, when another salesman took me back to the money room.
When he fired up Shout from Tears for fears, and later Listen, I was inside the music, breathing it, still cannot really properly describe it, But I know Tubes and Electro stats will get me part way there.
I am ok with $5500-6500 but the room is oddly shaped 12' x17'  but with a large desk on the listening end wall, and one of the long walls opens into an entry hall for 9'. so a true balanced soundstage will not be possible. but I do want to get closer to that sound
I have a pair and they are pretty good but they are tipped up on the brighter side and still need a subwoofer. Fairly easy to drive with tubes or solid state. Have your heard them? 
Not in person. I would think that the dispersion of MLs would help with my funky room, and it is a pretty dead space (carpet, bookshelves etc).
I like detail, but not really brassy sounding.
What about Aegirs as opposed to Vidars ? They are supposed to be more musical but I did not know if 80w @ 8ohm would be enough to drive the ELSs.
You’ll have no trouble with speaker placement, just follow the manual instructions. They are not brassy or metallic but they are crisp. I had no trouble driving mine with a 25 watt tube amps 80 watts is plenty.