Pimping your router

1. Use a wired router only
2. If wireless router is needed, separate router for wifi
3. only streamer, NOTHING ELSE connected 
4. use LPS to feed router
5. use shortest possible quality cable to streamer
6. use Acoustic Revive RLT-1 filter on spare router or streamer port
7. wrap router and LPS in EMI/RFI shielding material
8. use EMO EN70-HD filter near streamer for ethernet connection
9. use quality shielded cable between router and internet access point

All of these will individually improve your streaming SQ, in aggregate the effect is significant
Enjoy the music
@mikem Prego!!  As has been said slightly differently "Most things matter", not all.  The trick is to figure out which ones matter the most, at the least cost per unit of improvement.  One would go broke otherwise.  Have to run, the mailman is here with another $500 tweak, lol
@antigrunge2 -- Thanks for your response. I'll look into the LPS you mentioned. I was previously considering getting and English Electric 8Switch, but the EMO filter is definitely worth a look.
One more thing:  make sure that there is maximum distance between your router and its power supply, whether wall wart or LPS. 
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