Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
snbeall - my understanding from insiders is that the Y2K PCS used the coax from 1998's CS2.3, which probably includes its upgrade to double-magnet status in 2001 onward. (Conjecture: incorporating the 2003 CS2.4 coax would have required XO redesign which wasn't deemed necessary.) Managing so many products (20+) in a small company is an art of its own. 
No, jafant, I don’t have any upgrades planned. I had my Ayre QB-9 upgraded to the Twenty version last year and that might be my final upgrade. My system is really dialed in. In 2019 I was able to hear a reference system and my system only comes up short in bass extension, bass definition, and image density. Those are only noticeable in direct comparison. I am aware of those shortcomings and nonetheless fully enjoy my system without upgrade neuroses.

Meanwhile, my retirement is on the horizon and even now it would be a financial reach to address those minor deficiencies. So, I’m happy with my system and care not to obsess over how to improve it.
I bought my CS2.4SEs from TMR. I had a positive experience but the cabinets had more damage than advertised. Not just the usual small scratches but one bottom corner is a bit crushed, suggesting the speaker was once dropped. But they were well packaged, in original boxes, on a pallet for delivery to my home.

Wow, what surprising and interesting insight in to the end-of-life Thiel business!  Thank you!
Prof - I find it interesting to ferret out rather than letting sleeping dogs lie. I'm getting a pair of 2.4s soon and will be able to date them via serial numbers. Their particulars will be of great interest. I suspect with some facts in my quiver, Rob and/or Dawn would confirm or deny my assertions and speculations.