Anything better than 1.7 Maggies

I've been looking for speakers for some time now. I have an older pair of Maggies (10.1s) and I love the sound. I want to go for the 1.7s but am wondering if there's any used product out there for around $4k which would be even better for my music (rock.. some pop and classical at times) maybe reproduce the crack of a (snare) drum (rather than the thump) better (where i think Maggies lack but I am not sure if the x.7s have the same problem).. I wanted to try Emerald Physics 2.3 but they are rare to find.

I know people would have asked this before but please help.
My amp:
Rotel RB 1090 (380 WPC)
Though my room is big about 25x10 my sitting position will be about 6 feet from the speakers.
Hi Lrsky,

I own a pair of 1.7's and agree that they are fantastic! I am
btw thinking of buying a DK design integrated from a local
friend, and am wondering if you had any experience with the combo? Don't you own the new company that was once DK??
I was on the fence 2 years ago about buying 1.6's... have always loved Maggies but playing tuba as a hobby I just wasn't satisfied with the bass. I put my order in for the 1.7's the night I auditioned them because the bass was right... fast. If and when I want pipe organ bass i'll put out another $2k for a powered subwoofer below 40 hz... my pre has 2 active outputs.

To be honest the biggest bass problem I've had with the maggies is getting the system in front to deliver all the bass in the recording and every system step forward I take, the maggies respond to the challenge. The only speaker I've ever liked better was someones home brewed Quad electrostat equivalent.. it made the Maggies sound slow.
Nobody seems to belive it, but get an amp that will put out a solid 450-500 watts a side into 4 ohms like a Bryston
or one of the newer Van Alstines and MMG's will do just about all that Maggies do .