Thanks @ghasley for letting me know about the business of @atmasphere - sincerely i didn't have that info and don't see from where i could have it. Hence, the question required an answer (for me i mean). And thanks @atmasphere for your kind response (by the way, which instrument you play - i used to play and like the most base). Now I understand your motivation and again, i am not at all against tube amplification. In fact, i spent > 20 years mostly auditioning a tube amplifier. But, the most of the things are relative and i found it really useful to compare tube amplification with SS. I tried a McIntosh SS class A/B amp. My first impression was that it was delivering a cleaner sound, but other things were not as good as in my tube amp. Now I think that i reached some equilibrium/satisfaction with the current class D in my main system. I could also like your tube amps but am unable to carry out the necessary study (even don't know which amps you produce): I still enjoy analysis of different sound reproductions and comparisons between them (far below your authoritative level).