Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound.

Hello all, I am looking for some input on the best way to add tubes to my current mess. I currently have what I am sure everyone here would consider barely a step up from my parents zenith HI-FI circa 1977. please keep in mind I am lucky if I can afford to look in the window of an actual audio store. 
I currently have a Peachtree nova 300 and a Marantz CD player and a pair of monitor audio silver 500 speakers. A friend gave me a blue sound node 2i also. I have always wanted a tube powered amp. I see these Chinese amps like the Muzishare X7 and Willsenton R8 that have lots of great reviews. Or maybe a tube DAC. Then I see the Black Ice for ss-x. Each having less tubes respectively. Not sure how much that matters but I would think the more tubes the more tube sound one could expect. I would like to be in the $1000. range but would go to $1500 if I had to. My goal is to find the best most cost effective way to enter the tube world.  
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Hi johnfritter,
  you are absolutely correct about the variable output control on the rear. Me personally,I find this one of the best features ever. I run different amps through my systems. Some very low gain First Watt amps,and a higher gain pair of Monarchy amps.  Having that feature makes amp matching easy for me.  The Aric pre will also allow you to go crazy with tube rolling too. In fact,if I was in a little different position,I was going to pick up that pre for my second system. 
I was considering the same thing as you and resolved my situation a week ago. I have a Perreaux 200W Integrated Amp with Shahinian Arc speakers and was after a more engaging sound. With the Perreaux I can de-couple the pre, so I bought an old second hand Audio Research LS7 pre-amp with upgraded tubes added it to the system and I'm very pleased with the improvement in quality of sound at a manageable cost :-)
@hilde45 Uh yeah Probably my ADD but I've read that e mail you posted at least a dozen times. I get nothing lol. I liken it to talking to my wife she puts way to much filler in-between the facts. I loose track of what she's trying to tell me. I have always said I have a simple brain. Show me an equation start to finish I can usually deal with that just fine. Don't get me wrong I really do appreciate you posting it and I think if I could reduce it to a couple sentences it might make sense. 
At least now you know for sure what kind of dummy you are dealing with!
I am trying to verify that the Aric Unlimited will be compatible for sure, I would think with the variable output I will be fine. When I do and if it is compatible and still available I will move forward with that option.