Torture test for a TT rig!

I have less than 200 hours on my Miyajima Shalabi. Triplanar arm, Woodsong Garrard 301.
I am actually hoping that it is a compliance mismatch cart and arm.
Just playing 1812 Overture on the cannons the arm jumped off the record and the sound stopped for an instant!
Sure seems like the cart is not tracking.
At least I now have a torture test!
And I am getting “clipping-like” distortion. Especially on the fuller tones of a singer.
Cartridge/Arm mismatch? Is compliance the only or main issue?
My VTA is right.
Nice that increasing the tracking pressure solved it :)

This is entire off topic, but that cartridge is pretty low compliance, suggesting that its designed for a high mass arm. Perhaps the Fidelity Research? Its nice that the Triplanar will work with it regardless.
Dear @mijostyn :  Can you read? because I posted:

""  I posted all those not to open a new thread window. ""

 As always you are baised with your way of thinking and no other " thing " coming from other persons are not good for you and  not even give its importance .

"   I am afraid there is no hope for you. "

Sorry but It's the other way around. Problem with you is that just  do not make your " home work " :

""  I assumed the OP was using the correct VTF, bad assumption. ""

So go with the OP and tell him that change his arm for one with 40grs. of EM or that add 30grs. at the headshell position .

Btw, the OP is waiting for the top of the line Lyra cartridge.

You are not stupid ( as other two persons that posted here. ) so you can learn, there is always hope for you. Sincerely, Me.

Dear @mglik  : Are you using the tonearm tray silicon damping?

Btw, when will arrives the Lyra cartridge?
