Originally, I bought the speakers from John at Audioconnection in New Jersey, and he did an excellent job of setting them up for me in my home in New Jersey. I have since moved to Arizona and took the speakers with me. I paid a former Vandersteen dealer to set up my speakers again, however, I noticed that every setting was set to maximum. I also noticed that something "might" be wrong when I couldn't really distinguish words on the new Paul Simon, or Norah Jones albums. I thought that the recordings were very badly produced, however, when I heard them on a relatively inexpensive system that a friend had put together, the recordings sounded better on his than on mine. As luck would have it, Richard Vandersteen heard that I was wondering if something was wrong with the speakers themselves, which prompted his outreach to me. Again...thanks to Richard and John Rutan, I was able to tune the speakers properly.