Vandersteen Supreme Support

I have been enjoying my Vandersteen 5A's, but have had reservations about some issues that I've attributed to the room in my new house. I got a call from Richard Vandersteen the other day who heard I was not completely satisfied with my speakers (how he heard of that, I don't know)...anyway, he offered to help gain additional performance from them. With the kind help from John Rutan from Audio Connection in Verona, New Jersey (from whom I first purchased the speakers), and Richard Vandersteen, we tracked down and corrected the room problems. Richard made a number of calls, giving me steps to accomplish proper performance. Under his tutalage, we found a number of peaks, valleys, and phase problems with the room, Richard giving instructions on how to reduce these issues. The result is absolutely startling. The speakers are playing with an ease, and clarity, I haven't heard before. I have to say that someone who writes on these posts, came to hear my speakers a number of months ago, before these corrections and was so impressed that he offered to buy my speakers, and when I turned him down, he bought a pair of his own. The difference now is quite astonishing. Many, many thanks to Richard and John for their tips and efforts.
Stanley, are you saying that you had never tuned the bass before this January exercise?

(I'm the guy who visited Stanley and bought my own 5As.)
Originally, I bought the speakers from John at Audioconnection in New Jersey, and he did an excellent job of setting them up for me in my home in New Jersey. I have since moved to Arizona and took the speakers with me. I paid a former Vandersteen dealer to set up my speakers again, however, I noticed that every setting was set to maximum. I also noticed that something "might" be wrong when I couldn't really distinguish words on the new Paul Simon, or Norah Jones albums. I thought that the recordings were very badly produced, however, when I heard them on a relatively inexpensive system that a friend had put together, the recordings sounded better on his than on mine. As luck would have it, Richard Vandersteen heard that I was wondering if something was wrong with the speakers themselves, which prompted his outreach to me. Again...thanks to Richard and John Rutan, I was able to tune the speakers properly.
This is what high end audio is all about. I have also received excellent service from Richard Vandersteen and John Rutan.
I have to agree with these posts. I have met and spoken to both Richard Vandersteen and John Rutan on numerous occassions. Both are consumate gentlemen who really know their hifi. You can't go wrong with either Vandersteen or Audio Connection.