Integrated Amp Choices

From numerous visits to audio stores in the BIG city 2 hours south of my place, and after listening to a couple of dozen speakers (up to $18,000) both passive and active. Our simple ears have narrowed it down to these 2 speakers (so far):
KEF R11s - and Triangle AustraleEZs - These 2 sound the best to both my wife, offer good value and both very close to each other in price.

Here are a few integrated amps (in around the $5K range) that I am considering and I was hoping the community can give their votes to which would compliment the speakers of choice (so far) the best?

On Sale Occasionally:

Onboard DAC is a big consideration too, so hoping for your further comments on DAC sections as well.

Prefer new or demo over used.


jbuhl - great info, thanks. 

This seems to be an ever evolving post with more & more recommendation coming by the minute. So, I thought I'd through another line in the mix, one that seems to get little discussion here.
How about a Benchmark stack?  Benchmark Media Systems, Inc.
Seem to have reasonable prices on both hardware and cables.
@high-amp I forgot to add this in my statements about the BM stack.

If the pure BM stack is too revealing (what I use) and some warmth is wanted. Try the CODA 07x preamp. The 07x preamp and the AHB2 are incredible together (I also have this pairing). I prefer the HPA4 + AHB2 combo but I think most would like the 07x + AHB2 more. 

I sold an extra  AHB2 I had to someone last month. I think I lost $50 on that sale. The buyer hated it put it up for sale in 3 days.  The BM is not for everyone, especially if you want some color.

Here is Benchmarks description of their gear vs others.
How Should I Buy an Audio System? - Benchmark Media Systems