Cardas Speaker placement..

Once again I'm playing around with speaker placement.After reading some from the cardas site I fiqure I would try this method.After putting my dimension's in the calculator it says 4' from the sitde walls.I went with this but the final set up looks rediculous".The speakers look smashed together.does this seem right in a 14.5' room or did I do something wrong..?My room is 14.5' x 22' x7'.The reason for the change in placement is the bass is never right to me..I tried other speakers in this room with the same results..Thanks
Sorry for the double post..... pulled the trigger a bit too fast on my first response.
I'm also going through speaker placement right now. My room is 13.5'x18.5'. Set up on the short wall, this will put my speakers 6' apart and 3.7' from the side walls. Thiels require you to be at least 8' from them for the driver to integrate, so I don't think this placement will work. If I sat 8' from the speakers, I would not be close to being in an equilateral triangle with them.

I then found out about the Vandersteen placement method, so I'm playing with that now. I found instructions in the Model 3A Signature manual. Now, the reason for my post.

Ablang said-
Then stick your listening position 1/3, 1/5, or 1/7 into the room, whichever brings you closest to an equilateral triangle between you and the speakers.
I don't see anything about the listening position location at all in the 3A Signature manual. Did you find that in a different manual, or did you discover this on your own?

Philjolet,you were saying about "out of phase"All hook ups are correct but it doesn't mean the guy before me didn't do something goofy to the speakers.How can I tell if everything's correct internally..?The bass modules are separate from the satellites so the connections on the bass modules could be reversed.
a battery can be hooked up to the speaker positive to positive and the woofer goes out.

I have not done this myself but heard about it years ago,

please do not try it until someone else verifies it

and good luck