Ketchup--I just looked at my manual again, and you're right, it doesn't say anything about listening position. Thinking about it, I guess I figured bass nodes matter as much for the listening position as they do for the speakers. In my experience, at least, placing my listening position at one of the odd distances has gotten the most even bass response.
Right now my speakers are a third of the way into the room and my chair is a fifth of the way toward them from the wall behind me (measured to my ears). This gives better soundstage depth than when I had the speakers a fifth in and me a third of the way into the room, with virtually identical bass response. In either set of positions, moving my chair forward or backward by a foot or so boosts low bass while creating a suckout in the "power region" above it.
This is with a long-wall setup in a 13x18 room, and that movement of my chair by a foot or so just happens to place it an even (rather than odd) distance into the room. I should note that I've used this method for non-Vandersteen speakers, too. Good luck.