KT150s in a Preamp Design?

I'm a bit of a shade tree tube amp mechanic;  I'm no expert and have a decent but not comprehensive knowledge of design.  Can someone tell me what's going on with this tube preamplifier design?  I've never seen KT150s in a preamplifier!


Calling Atmasphere!  
You can use big power tubes in a pre-amp. Remember a preamp is just a low power control amplifier. It's a bit of overkill because a preamp doesn't need to make the kind of power a large power tube can produce. No idea on the sound quality though. 
Yes you can, in power supplies, ARC for example is using 6550 in some of their Ref line. So why not a KT150.
Got it.  That makes sense.  I'm wondering what the sonic benefit would be.  Seems that 6SN7 would be big enough.  A KT150? My lord!