I had a few drinks and bought some speakers

Last night as I was polishing off a few of Texas' finest Balcones Bourbon, I purchased a used pair of Focal Sopra 2's. I current own the Electra 1028's. Can anyone give me some opinions or thoughts of the speaker decision? These have been my end all be all speakers, but I have concerns my room might be a little small being 13x8. Any info is appreciated!
I was sober wehn I got my Sopra No 2's. They are white and I admit that the decision was based partially on aesthetics. I am a relative newcomer to the audiophile world, and LOVE my speakers in my 14x20 room. I also have a Sony 100" short throw, so it is used as a theater as well. I got the Sopra center speaker and two Aria 906 for the rear. They are obviouslydrop dead gorgeous, and they sound better than anything I or any of my non-audiophile guests have ever heard. Unless you talk yourself into the need for "even more," you should be happy for a very long time. Enjoy them this holiday with or without a cocktail.
You shouldn’t drink and drive. I’ve zero tolerance for those that do. Why drink? I don’t even have a beer. Control yourself. 
This is a fun thread, congrats on the purchase.  I recently did something similar with some wood QRD diffusers I’ve been on the fence for, lol.

The room is everything in this hobby, hope these work well for you, they’re a nice spkr. 
Although, you will need to take of the Sopra logo and replace it with “Balcones” :)