Zen Crescendo or 5a...will they work in my room?

I'm looking for some thoughts here...

My dedicated listening room is 20'x 15'x 8' with the back wall behind the listening chair 4' high and opening into the kitchen area. The supported floor is wood and there is a 2' high crawl space underneath. The speakers can out from the short wall as much as need be, and proper treatment of the room will be done.

My very short list has come down to the Acoustic Zen Crescendo, and the Vandersteen 5a non-carbon. I have listened to both and could be very happy with either. Since I am a fan of tubes, I suppose the Crescendo has nosed perhaps ahead in the race, due to the fact that they seem to enjoy being paired with them. But I'm not dismissing the fact that the Vandy's woofers are self-powered, leaving the rest of the spectrum to be powered by perhaps a 100w tube amp.

Does anyone see an issue with my room dimensions when it comes to either of these speakers? Will the crawl space below lessen the chances of getting excellent bass response from either speaker?

I'd have more of an idea to what would work in my environment, but this is a new house and I've yet to put a system in there.

Vandersteen is my favourite speaker so I recommend them, of course. The size of your room, however, does concern me. My best guess is that you will be OK. Vandersteen does allow for extensive placement options. If you are buying new, you shouldn't have any problems. Unless they changed policy, the dealer is required to deliver and setup the speakers. If the room may be an issue, I can't imagine that your dealer not wanting to come out to your house and assess the situation. Also, tubes shouldn't be a problem. While you probably wouldn't want to go with a low powered SET, you can do very well with less than 100w. Especially in a smaller room like you have.
The Vandy is a great, well-rounded speaker. Should work nicely in your room.
Soundqcar, I have Crescendo's in my room which is 22x15 with a sloped 9' to 17' ceiling. I think it sounds fantastic. I have never heard the Vandersteen's. The Crescendo's put out excellent bass, I even got rid of my 2 JL F113's and am just using the Crescendo's.
I've heard both. Vandys definitely have better bass but even though I like them, I would give the nod to the AZs. Music flows from the Crescendos. They are also more efficient so they can be used with more lower powered tubes.
I would go with the Crescendo for an extra reason. Both speakers are great in every way except for one: in my experience Vandersteen 5 and 5A speakers don't reproduce soundstage height, while this is one of the Crescendo's high points among many.