Floorstanders for small room 10x10ft

I'm looking for a stereo setup with floorstanders for music (acoustic, classical & electronic dance music) & movies in my bedroom.

My criteria is that is has to have bass & slam for movies and dance music but also a great midrange and realism for acoustic music & movies...

The speaker need to be placed as close to the wall as possible (4-12" maximum). Where I live in Mexico most bedrooms are this small, even in 3bd villas. So it shouldn't overload the room.

I prefer not to go the subwoofer route (integration issues) and I don't need rumble bass for FX in movies but 30-35Hz would be nice.

I've been looking at Tekton Katz Meow V3, Schweikert VR-33 (too big?), GR Audio N3 and the Gallo Classico 3 (perhaps too short to reach over the bed)..

Any other suggestions for speakers and comments on the candidates are welcome.

For amplification I'll decide based on speaker choice between hybrid amps (Monarchy 160 or Van Alstine 400R) and maybe tubes (Decware TORII)
The Preludes have cheesy vinyl (mine are the non rosewood looking rosewood)...a real wood veneer would be cool. They don't have excess bass so the placement isn't too difficult.
not sure what your budget is, but he Von Schwiekert Unifield 3s was designed for such a purpose. This speaker can be placed against the wall and sounds great in small rooms.
Thanks for all the replies! I've been looking at all the suggestions. I guess a front ported speaker makes most sense. Budget is up to $4k..

Anybody successfully integrated a REL sub with monitors? I'm extremely sensitive to integration. I had a pair of subs once and they where just junk.
I have used REL subs with Sonus Faber monitors, first the Cremona Auditor M and now the Guarneri Memento. Seamless integration in both cases IMHO.