Deja Vu all over again

The Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young remastered album is available on Qobuz for streaming at 192kHz 24bit.  It sounds great.  I have the original vinyl that I bought in the late 70s.  This remastered version has a very crisp clean sound with good soundstage depth and width.  I especially like the song, "Almost Cut my Hair". The song seems almost comical to me at the beginning but the mood changes for me as the song continues into a serious and good discussion.
I believe this digital version has little to no compression since I have my preamp volume set at 50 for my normal listening level.  Compare that to some pop albums on Qobuz at 44kHz 16bit that I play at a volume level of 27-33.
I believe the compression level is proportional to the volume level I use for my normal listening level.  For example, ROON shows the dynamic range of each of my CDs that I have ripped as FLAC files into my Library.  I see dynamic range as low as 8 and as high as 18.  The 18 is for a Telarc CD and is exceptional.  I notice my volume level for normal listening level is correlating to this Dynamic Range value.  Of course the higher dynamic range recordings have some nice loud peaks.

George you should read that review again.

According to Tom Fine the new CD sounds better than the previous two releases on CD. He says that this reissue, "kept the original dynamics and tonal qualities."  He says the 1994 reissue "is somewhat dynamics-crunched," but the dynamic range database has two separate entries for the 1994 reissue and even it is not compressed.

I haven’t heard of anyone saying the Qobuz version is compressed and there’s no reason it should be.

Remasters are often crunched, but sometimes they get it right. Older is not always better.

Why do I get the distinct impression that people are dissing Qobus to promote Tidal of late?Hony soit qui mal y pense ( yep, Qobus is French)
Nope, just don't like streaming in general. I don't believe the lossless bs, compression sucks.
I love streaming. The younger generation I think takes it for granted. Just wait, you too will get old and some day find it sometimes not so easy to get started. Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got till its gone? Pave paradise, put up a parking lot.
Remasters are often crunched, but sometimes they get it right.
Yes they usually are, very rarely they leave it alone, nearly always the later ones/re-issues are "dynamically crunched", great term btw, better than just saying compressed, it’s got more meaning behind it.

Cheers George