Violin Moves All Over the Sound Stage

I have a beautiful digital recording of Isaac Stern and the NY Philharmonic playing the Beethoven Violin Concerto in D Major.  The solo violin sounds sometimes in the center, sometimes from the left speaker and sometimes like two different violins in two different locations.  What is wrong?
Does anyone know which version of this performance is the best engineered recording? 
Depends. The original recording is by definition the best engineered. All anyone can do from that point on is monkey around with that master tape. A really good engineer might be able to remaster the master and have it sound better. But not likely. Because this is a very old recording. You get into the whole thing of the original master tape quality.   

This is why almost always the best you will ever get of these is to play the vinyl. Almost always the original vinyl pressings were made with the best tape source available at the time. Usually the master tape. This was before music got to be such big business the suits started making them make a copy of the master and lock it away, so everything is a copy of a copy. Back in the day everyone was actually concerned with fidelity. This was a big deal. I know. What a concept. Crazy thing, crept into all kinds of other areas too, musicianship, songwriting, lyrics. Sinatra, Torme, those guys could actually sing.   

Where was I? Oh yeah. So you come along today asking what version of this performance was the best engineered? The question literally makes no sense. First, there is only one performance on tape. There are no other versions of this performance. The performance is by definition one of a kind. Never to be repeated.  

Possibly you mean what is the best performance of this piece of music? Which is fine. But also completely different than recording, which is different than engineering.  

We were talking about this piece of music being reissued, and mastered from mono to stereo. So a lot of different things going on and hard to tell which of them you are talking about.

Might help to listen only in mono.

Yep, have many mono LP’s, and enjoy them.


Find a newer release/performance of this piece. But, I don’t think you will find the Stern/Bernstein/NY version that fixes the issue in digital. I think only a couple were released.
My bet is your system is totally fine. (But some good advice from others.) Actually, hearing what you're hearing, means you system is actually playing VERY nicely. 

So, that stereo version (which is on Amazon Music) has the violin playing INVERTED, out of phase--in other words it plays the violin, all around you, coming from no distinct spot AND it plays the violin in phase. It is a re-mastering issue. 

Playing a mono version will stop the floating violin. 

It's an amazing piece. Beethoven's only violin concerto.