The Power Amp's as previously informed are going to be altered to be a Balanced Operation, swapping the Chassis Female RCA's for 3 Pin Female XLR's.
Unfortunately I am restricted by the engineers request to use one Connection Port, RCA Connection will not be available.
The suggestion is to reconfigure the Male XLR's if unbalanced is wished to be achieved at some time.
I am trying to search out a High Puity Metal Female XLR to mount in the Chassis.
I have found Pure Copper with Gold Plating and Tellurium Copper with a Gold Plating.
The Types found with the metal above are not with a Locking Mechanism between the connectors.
Any thoughts on the Quality of a XLR connector/connection will be well received.
The Engineer has informed me that the New Cable to be used within the Amplifier will be a Microphone Cable.
I have been thinking this one over and a thought that has developed and not yet discussed with the Engineer, is if the internal wire can be a pre assembled Double Helix Design.
Any thought on adopting this as a approach will be well received.
A Pre Amp that looks like it will be my final Pre', had been on hold as a Build Project, due to having been loaned a version of the same design built as a Stereo Pre'.
My Pre Build is now going to be redesigned and produced as a Balanced Pre, some of the parts are already being acquired.
Again the XLR's chosen for the Power Amp will also find their way onto the Pre' Chassis.
If the Double Helix is a Good Idea to be used within the Power Amp's then this again will be replicated within the Pre' Builds.
Any thoughts are welcome.
It is proving difficult to find information on XLR usage reviews from comparisons outside of the sources of infoormation within this thread and the Links that can be sought.