Ordered two more light blue fuses for my DAC and amp. The next step up, yellow, is $212, so, I don’t see myself trying those anytime soon. Someone else will have to try one, and report back ;) I am very happy with the light blue, though. If it does similar things to what it does in my transport, in my DAC & amp, I will be a happy camper.

What I am hearing is; voices & instruments are more solid and lifelike, with increased natural detail and sense of space, better dynamics, and a more relaxed overall sound.

One last note: For those of you who have PPT products in your system, these seem to play very nicely with them ;)
If any one of us ever finds themselves in court charged with some serious offence possibly demanding some time inside, then it might be worth showing this thread to your legal team as one possible means of defence.

You may even be able to manoeuvre yourself some leniency, just as long as the judge and jury don't get the word audiophile confused with something a little more Joe Bidenesque.
Just in case I find myself in a position where I’ll have to manoeuvre myself some leniency while trying to get out of a serious offence, I’m thinking of trying one of the Yellow ones in my line-stage at $212.00 to compare with the current issue SR Orange fuse at $159.00.

I promise a fair and complete review.

Is there a 30-day return policy on the yellow one?


should a new or alternative reality strike in your experiment kindly inform us all; until such time I shan’t spend more than $50 on a fuse.