Low power amps and speaker damage?

I've always read that low power amps are more likely to damage speakers than high powered ones (provided they're not overdriven).  This normally in threads where a member asks something like:  Will my 200 watt amp damage my speakers rated at 100 watts?

I've driven several 86db, or thereabouts, efficient speakers with just a few watt tubed amps and have never damaged my speakers.

Was I just lucky or is it I didn't push the speakers into loud enough volume for the low watts to damage the drivers?

Thanks, and stay safe.

Solid state amps, if underpowered, will generate large amounts of higher ordered harmonics when overloaded, which the crossover cannot keep out of the tweeter. So the tweeter fails as its only able to handle a few watts.

Tube amps generate less higher ordered harmonic content as they overload, so its much harder for them to damage a tweeter doing this since you get plenty of warning that the amp is being overdriven.
Watts are only a fraction of an amps power rating and the impact it will have on your speakers. I can show you a high current amp that puts out 2 watts and will destroy a lot of speakers. People get way to focused on watts in the power game. Like i have said many times before. It is like an engine with rating of horse power and torque. You can have a 500 horsepower car that could not pull a trailer, and then you could have an engine with 25 horsepower but 2000 feet pounds of torque that can pull a tree stump out of the ground. Point is there is way more to the formula and you have to look at the big picture. The world revolves around marketing and watts per channel is heavily marketed to the masses. Not meaningless but only small part of the big picture.
You know when you overdrive an amplifier the sound gets all kinds of nasty when you do tube amps can mask this to some extent but they still get nasty too just not as nasty as low powered solid state does normally most people are never going to use more than a few watts and if you have efficient speakers above 95db it is the first watt that really matters the most.
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I have never ever heard of anyone having damaged a speaker with a to powerful amplifier. Just saying....