Flipping record causing series of loud pops

I just got my first tube phono preamp.  Now when I take a record off the turntable I hear a series of loud pops.  If I use my solid state phono no pops.
I hope someone has a solution
Basic things!   
Baloney.  I never mute my phono in between.  There is no need to if everything is connected (grounded) properly.
If it wasn't static before it isn't now.  Doh.
If it is static electricity, you will feel the hairs on your arm raise when you lift the record off the platter no matter which phone preamp you're using. If this is the case, deal with the static discharge with one of the suggested solutions. Less likely, it's a grounding issue on your tube phono preamp.  Either way, get in the habit of using your mute button before cueing your tonearm down or up. That's what it's for and your amp will thank you.
It is an interaction between the phono stage and static electricity from removing the vinyl it is probably sensitive to this and some gear is more sensitive than others to static.
If you have to mute or adjust the volume then clearly something's wrong; most likely either static or microphonic.

Muting is certainly not a procedure I'd ever be willing to adopt. Anything that sensitive is likely to be a mismatch.

Why not get a top digital system and enjoy the silence when there's no music playing and stop worrying if someone sneezes?
So it is possible after all to sneeze and blow your brains out. Always thought that was just a joke. My condolences.