lowrider574,353 posts
Question: why are two ground rods used?
Hi @lowrider57
From one of my above posts:
Minimum required number of driven ground rods for the main service panel technically is one, * IF *, the ground rod to soil resistance is 25 ohms or less.
How can the electrician know for sure if it is 25 ohms or less? With testing equipment that is made to test it. If an electrical inspector sees only one ground he will ask to see a print out of the test. It is cheaper by far for the electrician to just drive two ground rods and be done with it.
I am curious what’s going on with the two ground rods in the basement. Sure would like to know. 3 ft apart? Not 6 ft apart? Are the two rods connected together by a bare #6 solid copper wire?
How about the old ground rod that was used for the old service? Did the electrician use it for the new main electrical service as one rod and the new rod(s) in the basement for the other? Curiosity killed the Cat.....
Best regards