As for Electrostatics not needing the benefits of Supension Isolation.
Within my local HiFI Group .
There was a investigation to try and find Isolation Footers that work offering a comaparable impression to my SolidTech 'Feet of Silence' and Audio Technica 'AT- 616'.
The lesser value choices were experiened up to IsoAcoustic Gaia Models.
The Gaia's got the vote for use under TT's and a set og Gaia's eventually ended up under a group members Quad 2912 Electrostatic Speakers.
I am due to listen to these speakers on the upcoming weekend, it will be my the first time in almost a year listening to this system.
Within my local HiFI Group .
There was a investigation to try and find Isolation Footers that work offering a comaparable impression to my SolidTech 'Feet of Silence' and Audio Technica 'AT- 616'.
The lesser value choices were experiened up to IsoAcoustic Gaia Models.
The Gaia's got the vote for use under TT's and a set og Gaia's eventually ended up under a group members Quad 2912 Electrostatic Speakers.
I am due to listen to these speakers on the upcoming weekend, it will be my the first time in almost a year listening to this system.