Which Harbeth?

Based just on room size which Harbeth would work best, Compact 7's or P3esr's?
Room is 18x11, 8 ft height. Moderate listening levels.

Thank you
I have the same size room with C7ES3's and they're perfect for my room. I wouldn't go any smaller unless as Chashas1 said, you listen nearfield.
Don't buy Harbeths w/o listening to them (i.e., just based on their reputation). (Unless you buy them used and can resell them w/o much of a loss or if $$ is not an issue. They do resell quite easily.) Harbeths have a unique sound signature. Lot's of people love it. Some find it lacking in resolution, which is what I think is a necessary factor in high end sound.
Definitely listen first if at all possible with music and equipment your are familiar with. Makes a load of difference and will keep you from buyers remorse.

Personally I prefer speakers that are more dynamic, fast and with greater resolution. As always your ears and budget will decide.