Better to buy a high end network player with a DAC?

A good network player does alot.  And some really good players on the higher end include a dac.  Seems to get a really good player, you need to have it come with a dac.  And these dacs seem really amazing, but you lose independence that a separate dac allows.

Why do they force an internal dac on you, and is it all that bad?  Advantages with an internal dac?
And possibly by now Lumin can be very competitive with Linn.

should i feel comfortable buying Lumin?  Is it really a Linn product?

should i feel comfortable buying Lumin? Is it really a Linn product?
It is most definitely not a Linn product. Essentially what they did was see what Linn were doing with the category and their Klimax DS at the time, and attempt to copy it in terms of build, architecture, etc.

I think Lumin has done a good job at trying to compete with Linn and as far as overall product build, support, and performance they are something worth considering, and I wouldn't personally feel uncomfortable purchasing and/or representing their product in the right application. However, to consider something like a Lumin without also looking into what a Linn DSM can do (and how they perform), along with other more established HiFi brands such as Naim, Sim Audio Moon, T+A (not as well known), etc. is sort of leaving a lot on the table.

Of course I am speaking of all-in-one streamer/DAC combos, getting into mixing and matching streamers and DACs is a whole other ball game.

The only advantage of internal DAC is convenience.
Again, people making claims with absolutely no comprehension of what they are talking about.

Can you explain to me how increasing the complexity and room for error in a given electrical circuit, and increasing the path the signal has to travel is in any way more beneficial?

Right now i am using a Nucleus connected via usb audioquest carbon cable to  a chord tt2 dac.

higher frequencies seem rough and abit harsh.  So i am thinking about the luman x1.  Maybe it will be better.