Better to buy a high end network player with a DAC?

A good network player does alot.  And some really good players on the higher end include a dac.  Seems to get a really good player, you need to have it come with a dac.  And these dacs seem really amazing, but you lose independence that a separate dac allows.

Why do they force an internal dac on you, and is it all that bad?  Advantages with an internal dac?

The only advantage of internal DAC is convenience.
Again, people making claims with absolutely no comprehension of what they are talking about.

Can you explain to me how increasing the complexity and room for error in a given electrical circuit, and increasing the path the signal has to travel is in any way more beneficial?

Right now i am using a Nucleus connected via usb audioquest carbon cable to  a chord tt2 dac.

higher frequencies seem rough and abit harsh.  So i am thinking about the luman x1.  Maybe it will be better.
Melco is indeed a player with a NAS.  No DAC included, which was the point.  I’m talking about their player NAS combo, not the switch, so that comment is a non sequiter.
  Regarding iron lung, what do I need to defend?  I merely said that many players are offered sans DAC.  Scan a catalog from a major retailer and you find a bunch.  I didn’t say putting it all under one bonnet was a bad idea, just that the original premise of the OP, that players that come without DACs are bad, was incorrect 
Mr mahler,
didnt say players without dacs are bad.

i said its tough to get the higher end players without a dac, eg lumen x1, dcs bartok.  The lumin u1 is without dac, and it is a very good player.  The x1 has more to offer relating to the player, but it also includes a dac.

and maybe there is merit in getting a dac built into a player.  
You dont find higher end processors with an amp and there is a clear reason for this. Quality higher stereo preamps wouldnt dream of having an amp.

not the case with a player where it may offer an advantage when including a dac.  
just that the original premise of the OP, that players that come without DACs are bad, was incorrect

My apologies @mahler123 I misinterpreted your meaning. I though you were indicating that the premise of having a DAC built into/along with a player is somehow flawed. I now see what you were pointing out, that OP's premise that you can't find DAC-less players is flawed.

Yea, there are plenty of DAC-less players out there now. Most of them are just computers. Quite frankly if I was OP, I'd avoid Roon (their player doesn't sound particularly good), turn the Nucleus into a NAS, and use a UPnP/DLNA type solution if I were concerned with SQ - heck, a Raspberry Pi as an endpoint running SqueezePlayer or MPD would probably outperform what he has right now.

not the case with a player where it may offer an advantage when including a dac.  

As I see it, any DAC manufacturer not including a player solution are leaving things up to a crapshoot when it comes to their product because without a comprehension of what is happening upstream there is no way to guarantee the performance of the DAC in the first place. Further, it is my opinion that DAC manufacturers should publish the specifications and equipment used in developing their product, so that consumers know the following:

- What player software and file types were used in developing the DAC and it's associated interfaces
- What hardware was used for the player software, and which interfaces on that hardware were used in the development of the DAC
- If they include a player with the DAC, whether it is bespoke/custom or something provided by a third party, and specify which third party