Dynaudio c1 signature

Hi...im interested witch music instruments does this speaker performs most natural..correct...lifelike...tnx
speaker performs most natural..correct...lifelike

and would be dissapointed when here and ther want to push louder or something and hear thin sound or something.

I don't thing this case ever would happen with dynaudio,the sound is robust and they sound best at louder volume(at least with older version c1)
Xti16 you say acoustical guitar heh...nice nice...i listen alot of stefanovski and tadić acoustical...witch i reccomend to you...live in belgrade...exelent stuff...i think it would be sounding great on your equipmennt...i will not bother you with my amps or speakers becuz they are crappy...far from high fidelty...but i enjoy them 7 years from now...and want to upgrade on speakers i can hold for manny years...i dont have money to experiment and change dozen amps and speakers niether i can listen to all combinations here in croatia so i want take proper speakers and integrated for most kind of music...too bad we are not market...Extravaganza...dont joke on accordion...i listen Tom Waits alot :) thanx for the kind words everyone
I agree get to the speakers you want first and worry about the amp and cables later. I bought my amp (Bryston B100sst) before the C1's which worked but only sounded OK.
yes...i was considering to buy speakers brand new and search for the right amp..amp could be second hand but i want new speakers...i read that dynaudio reccomends ocos cables...and i think that the new confidence are internal wired with ocos...so i will first start with that...heard that bryston got good synergy with dyns but i will try to aim something little better cuz i dont want to change gear much...i want keeper...2 bad i heard that Karan acoustic i180mk2 has bad synergy with dyns...i can get it in half price...quality gear...and puristic design...just what i like...but im hooked up more on dyns than Karan if you get my point...
If I'm not mistaken only the Consequence UE uses Ocos for internal wiring (maybe the Evidence too). The C1 MKII uses an upgraded version of Van den hul that the original C1's had.

If your looking at Bryston consider the 4bsst and nothing less. I had the B100sst and my sons 3bsst and although good neither had the control the Naim or Octave has. Anyhow take your time because someday you will hear the right one.