Dynaudio c1 signature

Hi...im interested witch music instruments does this speaker performs most natural..correct...lifelike...tnx
The DDC again is for multiple tweeters. My room is 3.66m X 7.93m with the speakers about the middle of the long wall with a vaulted ceiling
OK I've been pushing the Octave with the Tung Sol 6550 solid grey plates and they do go louder than with the EAT KT88's without bottoming out. I believe it's due to the fact the EAT's are a very high transconductance tube. Meaning the EAT's have more control and dynamics. They get pretty d@mn loud - at least for me :-) especially with the TS
Xti...tell me...before your old dyns...witch speakers wou have owned...and witch manufacturers besides dynaudio you regard as good money/value option...and how much your dyns are far from back wall...how that affects on bass...do you use sub on your combo...(im starting asking questions like gestapo:)
My previous speakers were Mission/Cyrus 782's. I bought them in 1990 when they first came to the USA. Loved them and still have them but the Dyn's are a world better. Another speaker I seriously considered was the Sonus Faber Creamora auditor M's (a hair more laid back sounding). To compare I took my 782's to the dealers. Then I found Dynaudio. Took me less than 10 seconds to decide those were my next speakers. That was the first time the minute I heard something I had to have it. My Octave Integrated was the other only after an in-home demo.

I have a Rel B3 which I had before I even before heard of Dynaudio, and I still use it. Do I need it? Not really. I have disconnected on several occasions and forgot it was off until I would play something with the lowest of octaves. I only have a few cd's with real low bass. That being said I will also say the sub adds to the soundstage by making it sound a little fuller.

As far as placement the rear of the speaker is 2 ft from the back wall and 41 inches from the front of the speaker. The main reason is I still have an old Tube TV and I don't want to magnetize it. Also I have about a 5 degree toe-in (virtually straight).

I swapped out the 6550's last night with some Ei KT90's and because they don't have the bass like my other 6550's and KT88's I got them unbelievable loud. With those tubes I do need a sub.

In case you are not aware the only difference between the MKII and signature is the finish and a 10 yr warranty.
...im aware of that...read all kinds of reviews of c1 but i wanted to hear from first hand about sound characteristics of the new model...you keep them little close to the wall but i supose you have the correct sound as i see you are happy overall...and how can you compare cremona m with c1...im also considering sonus fabers...they indeed have seductive sound...but i think they are little colored...im suspicious how sonus manages to play all kinds of music correct...but for the acoustical are maybe best what i heard...and i heard that new SF are less colored than old models but they lost old sound a bit...well new men new sound...