Dynaudio c1 signature

Hi...im interested witch music instruments does this speaker performs most natural..correct...lifelike...tnx
Raindog031, since you have mentioned several times that funds are limited, my recommendation would be to buy the C1 Mk1 model. C1 mk1 is a marvelous speaker. Also, IMO the mk2 version does not improves significantly upon the mk1 model (if at all). Certainly not to justify the large price difference between the two models, i.e. almost a factor of two. Check regularly www.audio-markt.de and I am sure you will find a demo model with warranty for a bit more than half the prices of the mk2s.

As for amps, I recommend you either Accuphase (e.g. E-408/450/350/550, etc.) or Musical Fidelity (e.g. KW500/550).

Regarding subwoofers, I too recommend a REL.

Good luck and keep us posted!
tnx paul on a kind words...i was thinking bout that...and i would buy second hand c1 coldblooded if the price is good...regarding my limited budget...it was mostly related on separates...that means i can buy a decent integrated...maybe i could buy separates...but i dont want wait for 2 3 years more to complete the system...so option is that before end of this year...and if i get c1 at cheeper price maybe even sooner...i must plan good...tnx everyone on tips and good will...
C1 mk1 is a marvelous speaker. Also, IMO the mk2 version does not improves significantly upon the mk1 model (if at all). Certainly not to justify the large price difference between the two models, i.e. almost a factor of two.
Paul there is a difference. I upgraded from the original C1 (7000 USD) to the C1 Signatures (8500 USD) not the MKII (7500 USD). Granted with the Signatures you pay for the finish and 10 yr warranty. That being said the MKII/Signature is less nasally sounding than the originals. I NEVER thought the originals sounded nasally until I heard the 2 side by side. Also the MKII sounds better at lower volumes. More efficient?? I'm sure a lot has to do with the upstream components (source cables amp etc) too. If there is a downside (excluding cost) it may be the MKII/Signature might not play as loud. That observation is from memory. When I had the 2 side by side I did not push them at all. It wasn't until several weeks later I finally pushed the Signatures (I don't have a db meter to prove it) but again from memory. So for me since 99.8% of my listening is lower levels the Signatures work out much better for me. Don't get me wrong the original C1's are world class speakers.

For whatever it is worth my system is
Meridian G08
Nordost Frey ic and sc
Octave V70SE tube integrated
Xti16, I did not say that there is not difference between the mk1 and mk2 models. I was just being practical. Since Raindog031 mentioned that his budget is limited and that he does not want to wait 3 years to buy a decent amp for the mk2s, I have suggested him to get the mk1s which (at least in the Netherlands) are sold at approximately half the price. The difference between the two models is enough to buy a good amp. mk1 + good amp >>> mk2 with a cheep amp (or no amp for that matter).

IMO it is safer to go that root. Firstly, his room is quite large so there is a chance the C1 might get lost in it. One can never predict the bass behavior of a future room. Secondly, he might not be happy with them. While the C1 have a very seductive midrange they are not very transparent (this is still the case also with the mk2 models). No only heavier music might not benefit from that midrange magic but it is likely it will sound too polite.

Raindog031, if you did not check it out already, you might want to have a look at the review I wrote about the C1 mk1 speakers. Some of the contributors in this thread have also posted their comments there. You might find them useful.

Finally, like Xti16, I would advise you to not discharge less powerful amps. My class A Accuphase (60 watts in 4 ohms) had no problems to drive the mk1s and mk2s and put to shame a 200 watts Mcintosh amp when driving the C2 mk2 speakers.
paul i have readed your review some time ago...good review...im interested you said that my room could be big for c1....im not so shure...4.6x5.8m so when i put speakers bout 3 feet behind wall i assume it will be good my listening position will be 3m away...it could be problems with bass but im not pesimist...i think that this room could be ideal for c1...smaller room could make problems with bass...atleast thats my experience...i will try my b&w monitors first there so i will see how room reacts and how they fill the room...they are 50w weaker then dyns...and paul you may not noticed that but xti diddnt discharge less powerful amps...he also has octave integrated and driving dyns with no problem...i think 70w class a...what you probbably wanted to say is to buy quality power...regardles of amp watts...cheers