Sumiko / Jelco Tonearm Repair or Restoration

I have a Sumiko Premiere FT-3 in need of repair or rebuild.

Does anyone specialize in tonearm repair ?

Thanks !
Are you having any specific problems or just age related maintenance? I have serviced and modified my own over the years. They do work loose over time. I use blue lock tite
when I am done doing a mock up. Also they should use Milligram weights to check bearing freedom. Whomever you send it to make sure they use the correct screwdrivers for the bearings, as it looks tacky when someone uses one sized too small and scratches the chrome showing brass underneath.
best of luck.
mazeaudio Tim Corn this forum rebuilt my FT3 including rewire w Cardas, top bearing tower locktite, bearing adjustment and new CF wand.